This week’s ‘Everyday Faith’ post comes from a wonderful soul, Amanda Crane. Amanda was one of my first “mom” friends; she truly has a heart for encouraging moms, serving her family and those around her, and a gift for teaching. I’m so excited she will be sharing with us as a regular contributor to ‘Everyday Faith’ with her first devotional, ‘Inviting Him Into the Mess’. //
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
On a recent Thursday (which for some reason is always the most “struggle is real” day of the week around here), I sat crying on my living room floor with toys scattered all around, saying over and over again, “I just don’t know how to do it all. I just don’t know how to do everything.”
We had just finished lunch after a busy morning out. That week I had decided to schedule our mornings with more out-of-the-house activities to combat the cold weather blues characteristic of the winter months, which tend to keep us confined in the house and a little stir-crazy. While in and of themselves these activities were honoring to God and beneficial for myself and my children, rather than feeling fulfilled by this newfound “fullness” in our routine, I felt completely depleted. I saw a house that needed cleaned and laundry that needed to be done. A baby who wanted to be held too often for these tasks to be accomplished well and completely. A three-year-old who had recently decided to give up his nap time (a truly cherished two-hour block in our home). A well-intentioned, self-imposed busy schedule that had led to a drowning mom waiting on someone to throw her a life-jacket.
When I fall apart like that in front of my kids, tears streaming most unattractively down my face, I feel so much shame. I should be strong. I should be able to press through. I should be this; I should be that.
At that moment, however, despite the way I should have been acting, God allowed my little boy to speak such heavy truth into my life. In his sweet, excited voice, with the purest wisdom only children have, he reminded me of these words that we often tell our young ones: “Just do your best! That’s what you do!”
“Well—yes,” I thought to myself. “He’s so right! That’s all I can do.” That’s all any of us can do when we are struggling to fulfill the daily purposes we know the Lord has set out for us. We do our best, submitting daily to His will and allowing the Holy Spirit to equip us each step of the way. We invite Him in, despite how ashamed we feel on the inside and how messy we look on the outside.
I encourage you, friend, to invite God in to your “messy place,” when you find yourself crouched sobbing on the floor like I was, shirt covered in spit up, seeking both solace and separation. When you’re frantically driving your children to various activities and can’t feel God’s peace. When you’re running late and have children to tend to and a marriage to maintain. When you’re not sure how you’ll muster up the energy to put on a smiling face when you are just so tired. When you don’t even have the words to express how frustrated and inadequate you feel, or the guilt you bear because of it.
Invite God into your home and life daily, allowing him to meet you where you are, not where you think you should be. Invite Him to re-establish His position on the throne of your Heart, even hour by hour, if you feel that positioning slipping as your flesh battles your spirit.
Because His love for you is not based upon on how well you execute the recipes from your Pinterest board, how often you are able to squeeze a workout in during the week, or how frequently you vacuum your floor. It’s not based on how many sensory learning activities you can provide for your baby or how quickly your preschooler learns the alphabet. His love is surely not based on how busy you are or the schedule you keep.
Allow His mercy to be enough without adding or taking away from the simple, yet profound truth: He died to set you free (Romans 8:2).
Free from your own and others’ expectations and comparisons. Free from unnecessary busyness that might burden rather than encourage your heart. And when you are busy, because seasons of life most certainly are, seek Him during those most hectic moments, allowing His presence to steady your heart, remembering that your trust and surrender are all He asks for. You don’t have to do it all; you don’t have to do everything.
Take what you have, where you are, and do your best, walking humbly with Your God.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
Prayer: Father, You meet us daily where we are, despite our shortcomings, and we are so grateful. Allow us to live out the truth that in and through You our “best” is enough. May all we do be done in Your name and for Your glory, no matter how big or small the task is. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Worship: “For Your Glory” – Leeland Mooring
About Amanda
![]() | Amanda Crane lives and worships in the Warrenton area with her husband, Jake, and two little ones, Kaden and Everly. A graduate of James Madison University’s School of Education, she has taught each grade level of secondary English in both public and private schools, and is currently staying home with her kids. She writes to encourage other moms who are getting by on Jesus, grace, and coffee that the work they are doing matters greatly in God’s kingdom. |
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