The joyful thing about the New Year is this refreshing zeal that comes from a clean slate. You have hope to start over or create something beautiful and brand new. Sometimes God speaks specific promises over our lives. He might give us vision for something beyond what we feel we can accomplish and often times what we fully understand. He might give us clear, simple direction. We receive it, we run full speed and we start doing.
In all the trying, striving and WORK, we forget to stay tethered to the One who spoke regarding WHAT He spoke about. Soon, His direction becomes muddied with our own added “wisdom”, vision becomes blurred, weariness suffocates zeal, and even the good thing gets confusing. Do I sound like I’m speaking from experience? Why do we do this?
Take a moment to read Psalm 16 with me. This is what the Lord is teaching me today.
In Psalm 16:2, David starts off by writing:
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”
I love that in this psalm, David acknowledges that without God, there is no goodness to be had. No goal worth pursuing. Even God-breathed vision without continuing to seek His counsel and guidance in every step, is in vain. By trying to accomplish anything – even good things – apart from God, we lose the joy He intended for us to experience. He alone breathes life into us and into all we do.
In Psalm 16:8-9, David writes:
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure (my flesh will also rest in hope [NKJV]), because you will not abandon me…”
Because he sets His focus on the Lord always, the trials and obstacles do not shake him. Because, he sets his focus on the Lord always, his heart is glad. Do you know what the synonyms are for the word “glad” ? Joyful. Overjoyed.
And finally, Psalm 16:11 –
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence…”
I want to encourage you today to return to the place of seeking His presence above all things, even your once God-breathed plans. The things He spoke to you in the secret place will not return void, but sometimes we need hemming in and by His grace, He meets us where we are. I’m learning this right now and even sharing my heart and writing this post is part of my hemming-in. Will you pray with me?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your unending goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for words you have spoken over our lives, the promises you made to us in the secret place and that Your word does not return void. God, we acknowledge that without you, there is no good thing worth living for. Forgive us if we’ve put anything above You. We seek you with our whole hearts today and draw near to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Worship Song: “I will exalt” – Kalley Heilingenthal – Bethel Music Worship
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